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Mass Captains

Leader: Gail Barrow
E-Mail: masscaptain@saintgerardmajella.net
Meeting Days and Time: Serves at Mass 5:30 p.m. Saturday and 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Sunday
Meeting Location: Church. May serve up to twice monthly.

Mass Captain positions require training provided by the pastor which lasts about one hour. Interested volunteers must be Catholics in good standing; arrive at Mass at least 30 minutes in advance; and be willing to provide supervision to other ministers during the Liturgy if needed. You may be asked to find substitute ministers in teh case of absence.

Mass Captains assist the pastor before, during, and after Mass. Captains should arrive at least 30 minutes prior to their assigned Mass. Captains my serve at two or more Masses per month,as needed. Scheduling is done a month in advance. Before Mass begins, the Captain sets up all needed liturgical supplies needed during the Mass including the gifts table, the credence table, the lectionary and other required items. The Captain reviews the scheduled ministers for Mass and makes sure all are present and aware of their service. If a minister is absent, the Captain secures the needed substitute minister. During Mass, the Captain insures that any special needs of a minister or parishioner are dealt with so as not to disturb the liturgy. After Mass, the Captain secures the offertory and places it in the offertory bags in the sacristy and stays with the offertory until the pastor retrieves it. The position of Mass Captain requires good organizational and communication skills and prompt Mass attendance.


3049 LaFayette Road, Fort Oglethorpe, GA 30742 706-861-9410 website@saintgerardmajella.net